Category Archives: Beëdigde vertaling

Budgeting for a sworn translator: how much should you set aside?

sworn translator price

Budgetteren voor beëdigde vertaling: zet realistisch budget op, vraag offertes aan bij vertaalbureaus zoals Ecrivus Multimedia. Budgetteren voor een beëdigd vertaler: hoeveel moet je opzij zetten? Als je op zoek bent naar een beëdigd vertaler voor het vertalen van officiële documenten, is het belangrijk om te weten hoeveel je ongeveer moet opzij zetten in je…

Deed of incorporation of a NV: The essential certified translation

Deed of incorporation of an NV certified translation

Sworn translations of deeds for public limited companies in any language by Ecrivus Multimedia. Deed of incorporation of an NV: The essential certified translation If you want to establish an NV, you need a deed of incorporation. This deed contains essential information about your company and must be translated into the language of the country in which you…

"Tips for a smooth legalization of your Chamber of Commerce extract"

Chamber of Commerce extract legalization procedure sworn translation

Smooth legalization of your Chamber of Commerce extract is essential for international business. Use a professional translation agency such as Ecrivus Multimedia. Tips for a smooth legalization of your Chamber of Commerce extract As an entrepreneur, you may regularly have to legalize documents, including your Chamber of Commerce extract. A smooth legalization of this document is of great importance…

Everything you need to know about the certified translation of the Deed of Incorporation of a BV

Deed of incorporation of a BV certified translation

Sworn translations of official documents in 35+ languages by Ecrivus Multimedia. Sworn translation Deed of Incorporation BV If you establish a BV (Private Company), you must have the Deed of Incorporation drawn up and registered with the Chamber of Commerce. You may also need to have this deed translated for international purposes. In that…

Sworn translators: the key to accurate legal translations

sworn translators

Sworn translators provide accurate legal translations of documents in various languages. Sworn translators: the key to accurate legal translations Sworn translators play an essential role in translating legal documents. A sworn translator is a professional who has been approved by a court to translate official documents. These translators have extensive knowledge…

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