Take a photo of a happy couple in front of their newly purchased home in an Italian landscape. They have a bill of sale and a glass of red wine in their hands. The location is Italy and the weather is sunny. There is a stamp on the documents. Add the text Ecrivus Multimedia, the translation agency that swornly translated the deed of sale.

Take a photo of a happy couple in front of their newly purchased home in an Italian landscape. They have a bill of sale and a glass of red wine in their hands. The location is Italy and the weather is sunny. There is a stamp on the documents. Add the text Ecrivus Multimedia, the translation agency that swornly translated the deed of sale.

Take a photo of a happy couple in front of their newly purchased home in an Italian landscape. They have a bill of sale and a glass of red wine in their hands. The location is Italy and the weather is sunny. There is a stamp on the documents. Add the text Ecrivus Multimedia, the translation agency that swornly translated the deed of sale.

Take a photo of a happy couple in front of their newly purchased home in an Italian landscape. They have a bill of sale and a glass of red wine in their hands. The location is Italy and the weather is sunny. There is a stamp on the documents. Add the text Ecrivus Multimedia, the translation agency that swornly translated the deed of sale.

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